All Gender Pulli, 100% Merinowolle, produziert in der CH.
Tobias Gutmann’s newest wearable art piece features expressive drawings, sound infused by improvisation musician Pablo Lienhard. In the limited edition merino knitwear Tobias translates Pablo’s vibrant saxophone sounds into an abstract jungle of colorful forms and shapes. The garment can be seen as a musical score, leaving it open for the person wearing it, to interpret it into an imaginative soundscape.
The cozy one-sized sweater for all genders is sustainably knitted in Bichelsee, Switzerland. The carbon free company Traxler manufactured this sweater with great enthusiasm for this art project, using only mulesing-free extra fine merino wool.
CHF 380
My drawings reflect what I experience, think, and believe. Constantly aiming to enter into a flow state of creation, the act of drawing becomes a ritual in which I manifest my encounters through my hands. The results are multiple variations of drawings that shift between abstract and figurative forms, between the known and the unknown. They always entail playfulness and curiosity, wilderness and tranquility. Each individual drawing exhibits a unique appearance. In endless constellations, they form my own fabricated calligraphy. The ever-growing archive of my illustrations has developed its own language and meaning, dissolving into multiple narratives in various mediums such as installations, performances, animations, publications, and workshops. Hoping to leave a trace on earth, my drawings strive to carry the marvellous colours of life, granting joy and appreciation.
Im Gleis 70: Tobias Gutmann
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